Robot Process Automation in Human Resource Management

For organizations to be successful human resources management, plays a key role and each company is obliged to increase its employees by aligning its human resources strategies with the most recent trends. Human Resource (HR) departments of organizations have been gradually altering over the years as technology has advanced.

Today’s businesses are undergoing a big transition from old to new technologies. Businesses do need to automate their repetitive tasks so that they can free up their employees to devote their time on more important business activities thereby enhancing the Productivity.

Robot Process Automation – A summary

Robot Process Automation, also known as RPA, is the application of robotic technology to automate a variety of repetitive processes. RPA in human resources entails automating the most basic, most repetitive administrative and clerical tasks at the touch of a button.

The various HR operations that can be simplified using RPA includes-

  • Recruiting and selection
  • Development and training
  • Relationship between employees
  • Benefits and compensation
  • Responsibilities as an HR generalist

The use of RPA in human resources management results in significant time savings for employees, allowing them to focus on higher-value duties such as-

  • Talent development
  • Retention
  • Policy implementation

Advantages of using RPA in Human Resource Department –

 RPA by using multiple robots handles the tasks with greater accuracy and efficiency. The following are some of the primary advantages of RPA in the Human Resource Department:

  • The HR team can build a platform that expands with new algorithms and machine learning technologies because it is low risk and easy to integrate.
  • Employees get more time to focus on high value tasks that result in increase in overall productivity.
  • RPA enables scalability since its cost per effort is minimal or non-existent when used on a large scale, and it can be scaled up or down to meet the needs of the system.
  • It offers accuracy due to its computational accuracy using data analytics that outperforms the humans.
  •  The duration of running RPA projects, usually range within in 9-12 months with an ROI of as much as 200% during the first year itself.
  •  The flexibility factor is another advantage of implementing RPA as it follows a well-programmed procedure in any environment.

How to Use Robotic Process Automation in HRM

Organizations can adopt or use the following processes or approaches to execute RPA in Human Resource Management:

►Create a list of manageable HR processes that could be automated

►The next stage is to evaluate the entire benefits that can be realized from HR RPA adoption by determining the project’s baseline operational costs.

►The next stage is to assess the status of human resource processes in order to document robotic process automation opportunities at the most fundamental level.

►The next stage is to standardize HR processes before or during RPA implementation

►The final step or stage involves getting robotic process automaton started in HR department.

The various use cases that can be benefitted from RPA include-Resume screening and candidate shortlisting

►Offer letter administration

►New hires and set up onboarding

►Induction and training

►Travel and expense management

►Monthly payroll

►Employee data management

►Reports and analysis of surveys and reviews

►Time and attendance

►Exit management

Apart from above mentioned wherever there are repetitive tasks we can automate with RPA.


Finally, it can be concluded that by deploying RPA in an organization it not only reduce expenses but also helps in increasing the job satisfaction of the employees thereby enhancing overall productivity of the organization.